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Date: 2023-05-19
Date: 2023-11-29
Date: 2023-12-07
A PREFIX used commonly in PHONETICS and LINGUISTICS, referring to relative POSITION in a SEQUENCE; opposed to PRE-. In phonetics, it refers to an ARTICULATION a little behind a recognized PLACE OF ARTICULATION, e.g. ‘post-ALVEOLAR’, ‘post-PALATAL’. The terms ‘post-VOCALIC’, ‘post-CONSONANTAL’, however, do not refer to points of articulation, but to sounds occurring in a specific SYLLABIC position, viz. after a VOWEL/CONSONANT respectively. In GRAMMAR, the term is found in relation to several contexts, such as POSTMODIFICATION, ‘postdeterminer’, ‘post-article’, ‘post-verbal’, etc.
لمكافحة الاكتئاب.. عليك بالمشي يوميا هذه المسافة
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العتبة العباسية تشارك في معرض النجف الأشرف الدولي للتسوق الشامل