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Date: 23-7-2022
Date: 2023-10-24
Date: 2023-07-24
Charting consonant sounds
Having described in some detail the place of articulation of English consonant sounds, we can summarize the basic information in the accompanying chart. Along the top of the chart are the different labels for places of articulation and, under each, the labels −V (= voiceless) and +V (= voiced). Also included in this chart, on the left-hand side, is a set of terms used to describe manner of articulation which we will discuss in the following section.
كل ما تود معرفته عن أهم فيتامين لسلامة الدماغ والأعصاب
ماذا سيحصل للأرض إذا تغير شكل نواتها؟
جامعة الكفيل تناقش تحضيراتها لإطلاق مؤتمرها العلمي الدولي السادس