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Date: 30-5-2017
Date: 22-8-2019
Date: 12-7-2018
Now let’s consider what happens when an unsymmetrical carbonyl is treated with a base. In the case displayed below there are two possible enolates which can form. The removal of the 2o hydrogen forms the kinetic enolate and is formed faster because it is less substituted and thereby less sterically hindered. The removal of the 3o hydrogen forms the thermodynamic enolate which is more stable because it is more substituted.
"عادة ليلية" قد تكون المفتاح للوقاية من الخرف
ممتص الصدمات: طريقة عمله وأهميته وأبرز علامات تلفه
المجمع العلمي للقرآن الكريم يقيم جلسة حوارية لطلبة جامعة الكوفة