In order to achieve happiness, you must remove the factors of misery from the path. The problem may be in the lack of requirements for happiness, or in the presence of obstacles in its path.
Happiness and misery are subject to the will of man, you are the one who chooses one for yourself, and rejects the other, and even if we assume that compelling circumstances imposed misery on you, for example, you can enjoy happiness and change those circumstances or overcome their effect on you.
The following are some of the obstacles in the path of happiness.
First: Hatred, malice and envy
I have never seen a happy person who was not in peace with people, and did not bear a grudge against anyone, nor a grudge against anyone, and was not envious, but the miserable are usually burdened with these qualities, Imam Ali, peace be upon him, says: "The freedom of the chest from malice and envy is from a person's happiness."
Second: Giving external factors the greatest influence on life
It is true that external factors have an impact on our lives, but happiness comes from the heart and the influence of others on our hearts is not absolute. Whoever decides to be happy will be so despite all the external factors surrounding him, and whoever looks at the bright sides of life is able to overcome all the negative influences coming to him from outside himself.
Third: Leaving problems until they grow, instead of solving them at the beginning
If you face problems when they first appear, they usually disappear, but if you leave them alone, they accumulate one on top of the other like a snowball, and those who allow such a snowball to form in their lives follow a simple principle, which is the following: "When you face a problem, wait, instead of doing something about it."
Fourth: Pessimism
Whoever always expects bad things, usually suffers from them. This is because the spirit of pessimism attracts problems to it.. just as rotten fruit attracts harmful microbes.
Suppose you want to travel, if you expect problems, you will encounter them, but if you trust in Allah Almighty and rely on Him, problems will not only not encounter you, but they will be easy to solve if they occur.
Fifth: Pretending to be miserable and wretched
No one pretends to do something without adopting it, so whoever pretends to be happy becomes happy, and whoever pretends to be miserable becomes miserable.
Whoever complains, grumbles and is miserable will be afflicted with sadness and depression, but whoever thanks Allah Almighty in every situation is about to become happy because whoever smiles at life, life smiles at him.
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