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Date: 4-1-2017
Date: 31-7-2016
Date: 5-1-2017
Reticular Fibers-Amnion
Reticular fibers in the amnion of a young chicken. They form a dense mesh-work . The amnion epithelium and the cellular elements of the amnion connective tissue are not visible.
Stain: Gomori silver impregnation; magnification: × 400
Reticular Fibers—Amnion
The amnion (Greek: sheep skin, membrane covering the embryo) is a transparent, shiny embryo sac . The outer amnion layer consists of the amnion connective tissue, which attaches to the chorion connective tissue . The inner surface is smooth and lined by the single-layered amnion epithelium. The amnion connective tissue has several distinct layers. Immediately underneath the epithelium are reticular fibers, which run in different directions and cross over each other, forming a matrix . Sporadically, thicker bundles of collagen fibers are found between the woven strings of these delicate reticular fibers.
Human amnion, sub epithelial weaves of reticular fibers. The procedures in this preparation do not support the demonstration of the epithelium or the cellular elements of the connective tissue in the fibrous mesh.
Scanning electron microscopy; magnification: × 5000
Kuehnel, W.(2003). Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology, and Microscopic Anatomy. 4th edition . Institute of Anatomy Universitätzu Luebeck Luebeck, Germany . Thieme Stuttgar t · New York .
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