المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية
المرجع الألكتروني للمعلوماتية

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منذ 50 دقيقة   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/١٢/٠٢ م
The Holy Prophet (S) (said to Fatimah (A.S.): On the Day of Judgment, you shall intercede for the ladies and I shall intercede for the men; every person who has wept over the tragedy of Husayn (A.S.), we shall take him by the hand and lead him into
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منذ 1 يوم   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/١٢/٠١ م
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: One who weeps for Imam Husayn (A.S.), surely, the Imam (A.S.) observes him and seeks forgiveness for him and requests his holy fathers to (also) seek forgiveness for him.
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منذ يومين   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/١١/٣٠ م
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: The zaair (pilgrim) of Imam Husain (A.S.) turns back (from his pilgrimage) such that not a single sin remains upon him.
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منذ يومين   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/١١/٣٠ م
Polyphenol-rich foods like grapes may help protect against metabolic syndrome. Grape polyphenols, in particular grape seed polyphenols, may help improve:

cholesterol profile
blood pressure
blood sugar levels

Grapes are a good source of vitamin K. Vitamin K helps clot your blood. Vitamin K deficiency puts you at risk of hemorrhaging. It may also increase your risk of osteoporosis, although more studies are needed.
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منذ 3 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/١١/٢٩ م
Grapes may help prevent metabolic syndrome
According to the National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute, metabolic syndrome is the term for a group of risk factors that increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. These risk factors include:

a large waistline
high triglycerides
low HDL (“good”) cholesterol
high blood pressure
high blood sugar
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منذ 4 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/١١/٢٨ م
Imam Ridha (A.S.) said: One who refrains from seeking his (worldly) desires on the day of Ashura, Allah shall grant him his desires of this world and the hereafter.
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منذ 5 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/١١/٢٧ م
Imam Ridha (A.S.) said (to Ibn Shabib): O Son of Shabib! If it makes you happy (and you desire) to be with us in the elevated ranks of paradise, then be sad in our grief and happy at our happiness.
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منذ 5 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/١١/٢٧ م
Grapes may boost memory
Research shows that fruits rich in antioxidants, like Concord grape juice, help reduce oxidative stress that leads to aging. In studies, this reduction increased verbal memory performance and motor function.

A 2009 study found that Concord grape juice taken for 12 weeks increased verbal learning in adults who had a declining memory but didn’t have dementia.
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منذ 6 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/١١/٢٦ م
Imam Ridha (A.S.) said: O Son of Shabib! Should you weep for Husayn (A.S.) in the measure that tears roll down your cheeks, Allah would forgive all the sins committed by you, whether they be the great sins or the small sins and whether they be meager or immense.
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منذ 6 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/١١/٢٦ م
Grapes support eye health
Carrots. Grapes may soon take your place as the best food for eye health. According to research by the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute at the University of Miami, regularly eating grapes may help protect retina deterioration.

This leads to retinal diseases like macular degeneration. In the study, retinal function was protected in mice fed the equivalent of three servings of grapes daily. In addition, the mice retinas thickened, and photoreceptive .. Read more
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  • شروط النشر
    • نلفت عناية المشاركين الأعزاء الى :
    - تُحظرُ المنشورات المسيئة للأديان والرموز المقدسة .
    - تُحظرُ المنشورات المتضمنة لألفاظٍ خادشةٍ للآداب والذوق العام .
    - تُحظرُ المنشورات المُحرّضة على العنف وإذكاء النعرات .
    - قبل إرسالكَ المنشور ، تذكّر قوله تعالى : (مَا يَلْفِظُ مِنْ قَوْلٍ إِلَّا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ)

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    خلايا الدم البيضاء White Blood Cellsتتشكل داخل نخاع العظم،