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Date: 2024-02-12
Date: 29-3-2022
Date: 2024-04-27
The loss of syllable-final /n/ and compensatory nasalization of the preceding vowel has been discussed on vowels, above.
RP /-ɪŋ/ in progressives or deverbal nouns is more often than not replaced by [-ɪn], cf. morning [mɔnin] , leading [lidin], the meeting [dε mitin]. However, since [-ɪŋ] forms are current too, the GhE underlying representations seem to be /-ɪŋ/.
RP does not allow [mb] or [ŋg] sequences in the coda, but GhE has almost regular spelling pronunciations like bomb [bɔmb], thumb [tamb], climb [klaimb] or sing a song [siŋg ε sɔŋg] , among [amɔŋg] , and bring [briŋg]. Spelling pronunciations are not restricted to the colloquial level but are common even in very formal and conservative GhE. Concerning [ŋg] -sequences: even if certain speakers tend to pronounce specific words without the final [-g], they may insert a kind of linking g before a vowel, e.g. do I have to hang it? [du ai haf tu haŋg it].
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