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Date: 2023-08-22
Date: 2023-12-01
Date: 28-1-2022
superlative (adj./n.)
A term used in the three-way GRAMMATICAL description of ADJECTIVES and ADVERBS into DEGREES, specifying the extent of their application. The superlative form is used to express a comparison between more than two entities, and contrasts with COMPARATIVE, where only two entities are involved, and POSITIVE, where no comparison is implied. In English there is both an INFLECTION (-est) and a PERIPHRASTIC construction (most) to express this notion (e.g. biggest, most interesting).
دراسة يابانية لتقليل مخاطر أمراض المواليد منخفضي الوزن
اكتشاف أكبر مرجان في العالم قبالة سواحل جزر سليمان
اتحاد كليات الطب الملكية البريطانية يشيد بالمستوى العلمي لطلبة جامعة العميد وبيئتها التعليمية