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Date: 17-3-2020
Date: 17-3-2020
Date: 28-2-2020
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The carbon dioxide laser is a gas laser that uses the energy difference between rotational-vibrational energy levels. Within the vibrational levels of CO2 there are rotational sub-energy levels. A mixture of N2 and CO2 gas are placed inside a chamber. The N2 atoms are excited through an electrical pumping mechanism. The excited atoms then collide with the CO2 atoms transfer energy. This transfer of energy causes the CO2 to go into a higher vibrational level. The excited CO2 molecules then go through spontaneous emission when they are relaxed to lower rotational-vibrational levels increasing the signal of the incident light . Carbon dioxide lasers are extremely efficient, around 70%, and powerful compared to other gas lasers making them useful for welding and cutting.
Figure 1. Schematic of carbondioxide laser
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