المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية
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Machin-Like Formulas  
1243   04:13 مساءً   date: 13-10-2019
Author : Ball, W. W. R. and Coxeter, H. S. M
Book or Source : Mathematical Recreations and Essays, 13th ed. New York: Dover
Page and Part : ...

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Date: 19-8-2019 1405
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Machin-Like Formulas

Machin-like formulas have the form




where uv, and k are positive integers and m and n are nonnegative integers. Some such formulas can be found by converting the inverse tangent decompositions for which c_n!=0 in the table of Todd (1949) to inverse cotangents. However, this gives only Machin-like formulas in which the smallest term is +/-1.

Generalized Machin-like formulas in which the argument of the cotangents are rational numbers, including Euler's



(Lehmer 1938, Wetherfield 1996), square roots such as



or even mixed quadratic surds (Lehmer 1938) have also been considered.

A trivial one-term Machin-like formula is given by the identity



Two-term Machin-like formulas can be derived by writing



and looking for a_k and u_k such that






Machin-like formulas exist iff (7) has a solution in integers. This is equivalent to finding positive integer values uv, and k and integer values m and n such that



which occur iff



is real (Borwein and Borwein 1987, p. 345). Another equivalent formulation is to find all integer solutions to one of

1+x^2 = 2y^n


1+x^2 = y^n


for n=3, 5, ....

There are only four such two-term formulas,

1/4pi = 4tan^(-1)(1/5)-tan^(-1)(1/(239))


1/4pi = tan^(-1)(1/2)+tan^(-1)(1/3)


1/4pi = 2tan^(-1)(1/2)-tan^(-1)(1/7)


1/4pi = 2tan^(-1)(1/3)+tan^(-1)(1/7),


known as Machin's formula (Borwein and Bailey 2003, p. 105), Euler's Machin-like formula (Borwein and Bailey 2003, p. 105), Hermann's formula, and Hutton's formula. These follow from the identities

((5+i)/(5-i))^4((239+i)/(239-i))^(-1) = i


((2+i)/(2-i))((3+i)/(3-i)) = i


((2+i)/(2-i))^2((7+i)/(7-i))^(-1) = i


((3+i)/(3-i))^2((7+i)/(7-i)) = i.


Three-term Machin-like formulas include Gauss's Machin-like formula



Strassnitzky's formula



which was used by Dase (Borwein and Bailey 2003, p. 106), and the following:

1/4pi = 6cot^(-1)8+2cot^(-1)57+cot^(-1)239


1/4pi = 4cot^(-1)5-cot^(-1)70+cot^(-1)99


1/4pi = 8cot^(-1)10-cot^(-1)239-4cot^(-1)515


1/4pi = 5cot^(-1)7+4cot^(-1)53+2cot^(-1)4443


1/4pi = 3cot^(-1)4+cot^(-1)20+cot^(-1)1985


The first is due to Størmer, the second due to Rutherford, and the last appears in Borwein and Bailey (2003, p. 107). However, there are many other such formulas, a total of 105 of which are tabulated by Weisstein.

A total of 90 five-term Machin-like formulas are tabulated by Weisstein, including the two given by Borwein and Bailey (2003, pp. 62 and 111)

1/4pi = 12cot^(-1)49+32cot^(-1)57-5cot^(-1)239+12cot^(-1)110443


1/4pi = 44cot^(-1)57+7cot^(-1)239-12cot^(-1)682+24cot^(-1)12943,


the first of which was found by high school teacher K. Takano in 1982 and the second of which was known to Störmer in 1896.

Using trigonometric identities such as



it is possible to generate an infinite sequence of Machin-like formulas. Systematic searches therefore most often concentrate on formulas with particularly "nice" properties (such as "efficiency").

The efficiency of a generalized Machin-like formula (possibly with rational, quadratic surd, or other inverse cotangent arguments) is the time it takes to calculate pi with the power series for inverse cotangent given by



and can be roughly characterized using Lehmer's "measure" formula



(Lehmer 1938). The number of terms required to achieve a given precision is roughly proportional to e, so lower e-values correspond to better sums. The best currently known efficiency is 1.51244, which is achieved by the 6-term series



discovered by C.-L. Hwang (1997). Hwang (1997) also discovered the remarkable identities



where KLMN, and P are positive integers, and



The following table gives the number N(n) of Machin-like formulas of n terms in the compilation by Weisstein. Except for previously known identities (which are included), the criteria for inclusion are the following:

1. first term <8 digits: measure <1.8.

2. first term = 8 digits: measure <1.9.

3. first term = 9 digits: measure <2.0.

4. first term =10 digits: measure <2.0.

n N(n) mine
1 1 0
2 4 1.85113
3 106 1.78661
4 39 1.58604
5 90 1.63485
6 120 1.51244
7 113 1.54408
8 18 1.65089
9 4 1.72801
10 78 1.63086
11 34 1.6305
12 188 1.67458
13 37 1.71934
14 5 1.75161
15 24 1.77957
16 51 1.81522
17 5 1.90938
18 570 1.87698
19 1 1.94899
20 11 1.95716
21 1 1.98938
Total 1500 1.51244


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