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Date: 19-9-2018
Date: 30-6-2019
Date: 12-10-2018
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Gram's law (Hutchinson 1925; Edwards 2001, pp. 125, 127, and 171) is the tendency for zeros of the Riemann-Siegel function to alternate with Gram points. Stated more precisely, it notes the tendency for
to hold, where
is a Gram point.
Strictly speaking, the statement "" should perhaps be called the weak Gram's law since Hutchinson (1925) used the term "Gram's law" to refer to the stronger statement that there are precisely
zeros of
between 0 and
(Edwards 2001, p. 171).
Edwards, H. M. Riemann's Zeta Function. New York: Dover, 2001.
Hutchinson, J. I. "On the Roots of the Riemann Zeta-Function." Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 27, 49-60, 1925.
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