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Date: 26-8-2016
Date: 13-7-2016
Date: 25-8-2016
The spins of a regular Ising lattice interact by the energy
where B is an external field, μ is the magnetic moment, and the prime indicates that the summation is only over the nearest neighbors. Each spin σi has z nearest neighbors. The spins are restricted to equal ±1. The coupling constant J is positive. Following Weiss, represent the effect on σi of the spin–spin interaction in (i) by the mean field set up by the neighboring spins σj. Calculate the linear spin susceptibility χ(τ) using this mean field approximation. Your expression should diverge at some temperature τ = τc. What is the physical significance of this divergence? What is happening to the spin lattice at τ = τc?
Using the mean field approximation, we may write the magnetization M of the lattice as
where n is the density of the spins and Beff is the sum of the imposed field and the field at spin σi produced by the neighboring spins:
where λ is a constant. We may rewrite (1) as
The susceptibility χ is given by
For B and M small we may rearrange (4), yielding
where τc ≡ λnμ2. The divergence of χ at τ = τc indicates the onset of ferromagnetism. The spins will align spontaneously in the absence of an applied magnetic field at this temperature.
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