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Date: 2024-05-01
Date: 2024-03-22
Date: 2024-05-17
The absence of the written and spoken {-ed} suffix, whether articulated as [t], [d] or [əd], in past tense forms and participial adjectives is very common in all varieties of Pure Fiji English. Some examples from Tent’s (2000) corpus of spoken Fiji English include:
Some examples of pronunciation spellings are given in (8). Interestingly, many involve the {-ed} suffix following a voiceless consonant which normally results in assimilation, with a realization as [t]. The adjoining of two voiceless consonants may further make the perception of the suffix more difficult.
(8) a. “He is bleeding internally. Its [sic] most probably a case of an aggravated ulcer in its advance stage,” he [a doctor] said. (The Daily Post, 10/4/1996).
b. A few clap down [i.e. ‘clapped out’] diggers barely able to move have been hired and can be seen digging away at penal rate [sic] working full swing during the weekends. (Sunday Post, 30/11/1997).
c. Experience Signwriters to start immediately at Vanua Signs Limited. Phone 381553 for interview. (Positions Vacant column, The Fiji Times, 19/7/1994).
d. River sand, crush metal and garden soil we deliver Phone 362663 Jalil (For Sale column, The Fiji Times, 19/5/1994, 1/6/1994, 6/7/1994, 7/7/1994, 10/9/1994).
e. The case was heard behind close doors (Daily Post, 15/10/1999)
It is worth mentioning that the addition of the {-ed} suffix to adjectives is also quite common, e.g. I am the mother of three teenaged daughters. It seems only to be a feature of written English, frequently seen with the adjective mature, often seen in positions vacant advertisements in the local tabloids:
(9) a. Housegirl required urgently, be matured, to baby sit and do housework. Have to be good with children. Phone Ferin 386348. (Positions Vacant column, Fiji Times, 10/9/1994).
b. The police are matured people and we do not expect such an order against them. (From a Fijian university student’s written answer in a test, 9/8/1994).
The following example shows both the absence and addition of the {-ed} suffix in adjoining words:
(10) An Experience matured live in housegirl required. [...] (Positions Vacant column, The Fiji Times, 2/12/1994).
Cases of {-ed} addition are either malapropisms or instances of hypercorrection (especially since this addition seems to manifest itself predominantly in writing or print), a common phenomenon in L2 English. Once again, more research needs to be conducted to unravel exactly what is going on here.
دراسة يابانية لتقليل مخاطر أمراض المواليد منخفضي الوزن
اكتشاف أكبر مرجان في العالم قبالة سواحل جزر سليمان
اتحاد كليات الطب الملكية البريطانية يشيد بالمستوى العلمي لطلبة جامعة العميد وبيئتها التعليمية